Saturday, August 2, 2008


last post was 2nd june..
now is 2nd august..
oh my god..
wxactly 2 moths ago..

2dae decided to post is because i'm really down..
i need 2 puor out all my emotion..
i'm sorry dat i hav decided to pour it here..

i duno wer 2 start..
i'll juz come 2 e point..
i failed ULP (Unit Leader Programme)
i was really very sad..
i really have put in a lot of effort in there..
i hav also sacrificed a lot of things for this..
i always bring e best of myself during ULP..
during e camp n all dat..
bt i stil failed..
of corz, i cried..

my frens, my VI they all tried 2 comfort me..
my frens said, nvm.. at least u didnt go 4 nothing..
u hav gained a lot of knowledge from ULP.
my VI told me, dun worry, dun be sad, a lot of VI also failed in ULP,
u must prove 2 them dat u can do it!
my ULP ma'am told us, wadeva e result is, whether u failed or passed,
u'll still go back to ur unit n do ur unit proud, bring ur unit 2 a greater height.
bring all ur knowledge in ULP 2 ur unit..

i always told myself nt 2 regret..
since i hav failed..
nothing can b done..
but i'll not give up!
i will nt 4get e goal i hav written in e smaal yellow notes given by my chief mentor in ULP..
dat is to bring my unit 2 a greater height, n prove 2 them dat even though i'm a foreigner n a newcomer, i can be a good leader as well!..

although i failed ULP, i will still continue this journey..
e journey 2 b a good leader n 2 b a red x youth..
i want 2 continue 2 b involve in red x..
i wan 2 b a VI aft i graduated..
i want to continue 2 help others..
red x is my life..
i luv red x..
e failure i'm facing now is nothing aft i realize dat i still hav so many things 2 achieve..
i wun give up..
i wun!!!

-red crossholic-